Company profile

Date of Foundation 21 May 1963
Paid-in Capital ¥90million (subsidiary wholly owned by Furukawa)
Addresses Head Office 7-168,Ono 3-Chome,Nishiyodogawa-ku,Osaka 555-0043 Japan
TEL : 06-6472-6171 / FAX : 06-6472-6178
Sales Department
Dojima Office
Dojima Grand Bldg. 8F , 1-5-17, Dojima, Kita-ku, Osaka, 530-0003, Japan
TEL : 06-6341-1095 / FAX : 06-6341-1096
Nihonbashi Office
Nihonbashi Nishikawa Bild.8F,1-5-3, Nihonbashi ,Chuo-Ku, Tokyo, 103-0027 Japan
TEL : 03-5204-9152 / FAX : 03-5204-9153
Sales offices
Osaka office
7-168,Oono 3-Chome,Nishiyodogawa-ku,Osaka, 555-0043 Japan
TEL: 06-6472-6171 / FAX: 06-6472-6178
Delivery department
TEL:06-6472-6176 / FAX:06-6472-6179
Okayama Office
259-3,Fujii,Higashi-ku, Okayama-city, Okayama pref., 703-8213 Japan
TEL: 086-208-5230 / FAX:086-208-5250
Oyama office
23-15, Wakagi-cho 1-Chome, Oyama, Tochigi pref., 323-0028 Japan
TEL:0285-25-1669 / FAX:0285-23-4671
Sakura office
2153-3, Oota,Sakura-city, Chiba pref., 285-0808 Japan
TEL:043-486-6323 / FAX:043-486-0768
Takasaki office
1356, Hinata,Terao-machi,Takasaki-city, Gumma pref., 370-0865 Japan
TEL:027-321-5311 / FAX:027-321-5312
Iwaki office
13, Aza Ezoe,Nakayoshima,Yoshima-machi, Iwaki-city, Fukushima pref., 970-1152 Japan
TEL:0246-36-3066 / FAX:0246-36-4872
Business Areas
  • Trucking business and automobile transportation handling business
  • Coastal transportation business and coastal shipping handling business
  • Freight forwarding business
  • Warehousing
  • Automotive decomposition maintenance business
  • Forklift contractors of specific voluntary inspection services
  • Collection and transportation of industrial waste
  • Any other services, that is connected
  • G-mark
Officer President Norikazu Ito
Director Masahiro Ogino
Director Takayasu Hayakawa
Auditor Naoki Kato
Number of Employees 128 persons(At the end of May 2017)
56 units tanker
Large truck 7
Ordinary truck 2
Forklift 3
Domestic vessel 2 vessels
Sales area 1,156m2


1963 May

Independent for advance transportation business from the transport sector of Furukawa Mining Co., Ltd. (currently Furukawa Co., Ltd. ), chemical products division Osaka factory as a wholly owned subsidiary.

Established Osaka Transport Co., Ltd. ,in Osaka Nishiyodogawa-ku, Ono -cho, 44.

Started the transportation of sulfuric acid , hydrochloric acid etc.

(In April 1963 before the establishment of company, obtained a license for the general area lorry transport business in Osaka)

1964 February

Obtained the license for automobile transportation handling business.

1969 September

Received the license of coastal transportation and coastal shipping handling , and started to handle the transport of liquid by sea.

1971 September

Established Okayama Office in Okayama, received the license of specific truck transportation.

1973 April

Established Mibu office in Tochigi, received the license of general area(limited) lorry transportation.

1973 October

Merged Yoshima Transportation Company in Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture. In Iwaki city established Iwaki office.
Started to transportation of raw materials, products, etc.

1975 April

Mibu office in Tochigi obtained the license of general area lorry transportation.Established Oyama branch office in Oyama city, Tochigi.Received the orders for transport cargo of Furukawa Mining Co., Ltd. Oyama Plant.

1975 November

Established Takasaki branch office in Takasaki city, Gunma.

1976 May

Received the license of warehousing.

1976 July

Okayama office received the license of general area lorry transportation.

1976 October

Takasaki branch office received the license of general area lorry transportation.Promoted to Takasaki office, established Terao branch office.

1980 August

Capital increased to 150 million yen.

1984 September

Osaka office received the license of general area lorry transportation in Hanshin area.

1988 February

Established Sakura branch of Mibu office, in Sakura city, Chiba.Received the orders for transport cargo of Furukawa Mining Co., Ltd. Sakura Plant.

1988 November

Mibu office received the license of general area lorry transportation in Saitama and Ibaraki.

1989 October

Okayama office received the license of general area lorry transportation in Sanyo area.

1990 April

Sakura branch was promoted to the office.

1990 July

Sakura office received the license of general area lorry transportation in Chiba.

1997 November

Registered as operator of forklift specific self-inspection , inspection.

1997 December

Registered as operator of forklift specific self-inspection , inspection.

1998 September

Osaka office received the license of general area lorry transportation in Kinki area.

2000 July

Oyama branch was promoted to the office.

2003 May

Headquarters building completed.

2003 July

Received the license of special management industrial waste collection and transportation in Osaka.

2005 January

Changed the name to Furukawa Unyu.Co.Ltd.

2011 January

Osaka office was certified as safety excellent office(G mark).

2013 July

Okayama office was certified as safety excellent office(G mark).

2013 November

Established Dojima branch in Osaka.

2014 July

Established Nihonbashi office in Tokyo.

2014 October

Osaka office received the Green Management Certification(truck and domestic vessels).

2015 October

Registered in the freight forwarding operator(category Ⅰ)

2016 January

Be admitted to Japan International Freight Forwarding Association.

2016 April

Changed the names of Dojima branch and Nihonbashi office to Dojima office and Nihonbanshi office.

2017 September

Registered in the freight forwarding operator(category 2, railway/ ocean-going ship)

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